Running a Green Business

About Me
Running a Green Business

For a long time, I assumed that price was the most important factor customers took into consideration when choosing a business to shop from. But when I found myself losing business to a local, organic shop, I soon learned that today's consumers are passionate about shopping from sustainable, environmentally-friendly businesses. Since I've partnered with an environmental consultant, business has never been better. But I still have a lot to learn! Here on this blog, I'll be sharing all the new information I learn about running a green business. If you're interested in how to make your shop more sustainable and eco-positive, take a look through my posts.


Rubbish Removal: Four Essential Tips for Improved Property Safety

12 May 2022
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Poor handling of rubbish on your property can create an unsafe environment. In simple terms, neglected garbage will attract pests such as flies, cockroaches and rodents. These animals can bring disease and might be difficult to eliminate. Also, bad trash management can leave dangerous items exposed around the property. The mishandled items could lead to tripping and other accidents, and the subsequent injuries could be serious. Therefore, you must improve your rubbish removal practices for long-term safety. Read More …

Must-Know Facts About Floating Baffles for Wastewater Treatment Applications

22 February 2021
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Floating baffles play a crucial role in the treatment of wastewater. The flow control devices increase the retention time of wastewater in lagoons. Increased retention time improves a treatment system's efficiency by creating a vast active area for wastewater management. Furthermore, floating baffles minimise the total suspended solids (TSS) during wastewater treatment. Overall, floating baffles help comply with local, state, and federal regulations and standards for the treatment and discharge of wastewater. Read More …

Do You Know Enough about Emissions to Sleep Well at Night?

14 September 2018
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

If you're in charge of managing an industrial facility, you have your work cut out to make sure that you keep up with targets, avoid any unnecessary shutdowns and conform to government red tape. These days, very strict standards are laid down that control facility emissions, and you will need to keep on the good side of regulators and inspectors at all costs. Are you being proactive enough when it comes to this risk area? Read More …

Why Should You Pump Your Domestic Septic Tank Regularly?

30 June 2018
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Replacing or repairing a septic tank can be a costly project, but most homeowners don't even know where their home's septic system is located. This means that the system is hardly ever maintained. What you may not know is that the septic tank requires proper care just like the plumbing systems in your home. All the wastewater from your home is dumped in this tank, and failure to maintain it can cause damage and failure, both problems which can cost you dearly. Read More …

How Every Industrial Facility Should Assess Its Noise Impact

22 June 2018
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Every major industrial facility must assume the responsibility of corporate citizen and make sure that it does not impose too much upon its surroundings or pollute in anyway. This can sometimes be a difficult position to attain, especially when it comes to the amount of noise that the facility produces and, more importantly, how it's controlled. You may be concerned about your position and be further worried about attracting the attention of regulators. Read More …